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Hypothyroidism Diet Plan

Hypothyroidism occurs when levels of the two thyroid hormones, triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4), are too low. Although changing your diet alone isn’t enough to restore normal thyroid hormone levels, avoiding some foods and eating more of others can improve your body’s absorption of these hormones. Foods to avoid Many common foods and supplements contain compounds that interfere with thyroid function. In general, it’s best to avoid the following: Soy Studies suggest that phytoestrogens in soybeans and soy-rich foods may inhibit the activity of an enzyme that makes thyroid hormones. One  study  found that women who consumed soy supplements were three times more likely to develop hypothyroidism. Iodine-rich foods Some forms of hypothyroidism are caused by a lack of sufficient iodine. In such cases, using iodized salt or iodine-enriched foods  can be beneficial . But eating too much iodine can have the opposite effect and suppress thyroid gland ac...

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